BuckinghamPondCrestwood NANEWS
About Me
- Name: J P Sullivan
- Location: Albany, New York, United States
CONSERVATIVE ROW C FOR MAYOR CITY OF ALBANY NY November 5, 2013 Election U S Navy Veteran BS Geography, U Wisconsin (Korean GI Bill) MA Geography, U Minnesota (National Fellowship) 30 years as founder and president, Buckingham Pond/ Crestwood Neighborhood Assoc. maintaining/improving neighborhood residential integrity and quality of life. Leadership resulted in creation of Buckingham Pond Park in 1993-94, as well as many other open spaces. See bpcnanews.blogspot.com for list of leadership results. Neighborhood website: bpcnanews.blogspot.com/ see also: albanycityconservative.blogspot.com
Friday, March 31, 2017
UPDATED May 2, 2017
China, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan
and more are are in range of his missiles
(see map in above article).
Joe Sullivan
UPDATED May 2, 2017
China, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan
and more are are in range of his missiles
(see map in above article).
Joe Sullivan
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Monday, March 27, 2017
City of Albany Planning Board
Tues, March 28, 2017
Common Council Planning
Economic Development and
Land Use Committee
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Weds, April 12, 2017
Albany Common Council
Monday, April 3, 2017
Ordinance No. 26.31.17
Rezone Albany , should be
held in Committee for the
remainder of 2017.
The City of Albany is facing
insolvency with a 12.5 million
dollar gap in the 2017 City
budget and facing the loss of
7 million dollars in federal
aid because of the Mayor and
Common Council proclaiming
Albany to be a Sanctuary City.
The existing Albany City Zoning
Code and Official City Zoning
Map protect the home values
neighborhood residential integrity
and quality of life, and city property
tax base of single family residential
zoned districts located in Wards 8
9, 12, 13, 14 and 15, which pay the
lion's share of property taxes that
support City schools and City
government services.
The Mayor is pushing for rapid
approval of her Rezone initiative
in April.
The Common Council should
not take any further action on
the Rezone Albany Proposed
Ordinance this year.
The Common Council Planning
Economic Development and Land
Use Committee should not report
the proposed Rezone Albany
Ordinance Code and Map.
Table it!
2017 is a local election year for
the Mayor, Common Council
President and all 15 ward
The priority issue is restoring
the fiscal solvency of the City
of Albany.
Sanctuary City policy, Consolidation
of City Schools with City government
and Proposed Rezone Albany effort
need to be thoroughly examined
discussed and debated.
The candidates for citywide and
ward council seats need to make sure
that their positions on the above are
known and understood by the voters
and truly represent the needs and
views of those voters.
Public knowledge of candidate positions
on these and related issues are essential
for voters to make informed choices
when signing petitions in June to
qualify candidates for the September
Primaries and voting for candidates
in the September Party Primaries and
November General Election.
It would be foolhardy, an injustice
and irresponsible, to rush to repeal
the existing City Zoning Code and
City Zoning Map, and replace it with
proposed Rezone Albany Ordinance
and Official Zoning Map, without a
full understanding of how such action
may adversely impact neighborhood
residential integrity and quality of
life, home values, the City property
tax base, City schools, City services
and efforts to restore City fiscal
Compare the existing City Zoning
Code and Zoning Map
with the proposed Rezone Albany
Look at your neighborhood and
The Buckingham Pond-Crestwood
Neighborhood bounded as follows:
(N) Western Ave (E) S Manning Blvd
(W) Rte 85 (S) NYS Thruway.
Presently most of the neighborhood
is zoned R-1B with single family
homes and Houses of Worship being
the principal permitted uses.
The proposed Rezone Albany Code
and Map would add mixed use
districts which would change the
character of the existing zoning
and generate more traffic volume
and congestion on main roads like
New Scotland, Whitehall, Hackett
S, Manning . Western, Buckingham
as well as on existing residential
side streets.
Existing pocket parks/greenspaces
at Whitehall, Hurst, Krum Kill
and South Manning at New Scotland
are eliminated and subject to non-
residential development.
Rezone Albany redefines Houses
of Worship to Religious Institutions
would allow cooperative ventures
with "Non-Profits". The Land is
not taxed. They bring uses and
more traffic/congestion negatively
impacting existing single family
Adoption of the proposed Rezone
Albany Code and Zoning Map would
destroy the current protections that
the existing City Zoning Code/Map
affords neighborhood residential
integrity, quality of life, home values
and the property tax base that contributes
to support of city schools and city services.
Problems of out of control speeding
traffic, traffic congestion and pedestrian
safety would be multiplied by the
enactment of the proposed Rezone
Albany Code and Zoning Map.
Compliance with the complicated
new Code and Zoning Map would
adversely impact present and future
homeowners, particularly the elderly
on fixed incomes, who make up a
large proportion of the neighborhood
In essence adoption of Rezone Albany
and addition of currently not permitted
mixed use zones in currently zoned R IB
single family zoning districts will kill
the "golden goose" of such neighborhoods
that pay the lion's share of property taxes
that support City Schools and City
government services.
Not a wise move for an insolvent City.
The Common Council Planning and
Zoning Committee should Table and
not report the proposed Rezone Albany
Code/Map for the rest of 2017.
The merits of retaining the existing R-1B
single zoning in Wards 4, 8,9,12, 13,14
and 15 should be thoroughly evaluated
debated and understood. Candidates for
Citywide and Ward offices should stake
out their positions on this issue so that
City voters can make informed decisions
when signing petitions to qualify candidates
for the ballot, and voting in the September
primaries and November General Election.
The focus should be on restoring the
fiscal solvency of the City of Albany and
related issues of sanctuary city policies
consolidation of City schools with City
government, security and public safety
traffic control and pedestrian safety.
and property tax relief.
Joe Sullivan
City of Albany Planning Board
Tues, March 28, 2017
Common Council Planning
Economic Development and
Land Use Committee
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Weds, April 12, 2017
Albany Common Council
Monday, April 3, 2017
Ordinance No. 26.31.17
Rezone Albany , should be
held in Committee for the
remainder of 2017.
The City of Albany is facing
insolvency with a 12.5 million
dollar gap in the 2017 City
budget and facing the loss of
7 million dollars in federal
aid because of the Mayor and
Common Council proclaiming
Albany to be a Sanctuary City.
The existing Albany City Zoning
Code and Official City Zoning
Map protect the home values
neighborhood residential integrity
and quality of life, and city property
tax base of single family residential
zoned districts located in Wards 8
9, 12, 13, 14 and 15, which pay the
lion's share of property taxes that
support City schools and City
government services.
The Mayor is pushing for rapid
approval of her Rezone initiative
in April.
The Common Council should
not take any further action on
the Rezone Albany Proposed
Ordinance this year.
The Common Council Planning
Economic Development and Land
Use Committee should not report
the proposed Rezone Albany
Ordinance Code and Map.
Table it!
2017 is a local election year for
the Mayor, Common Council
President and all 15 ward
The priority issue is restoring
the fiscal solvency of the City
of Albany.
Sanctuary City policy, Consolidation
of City Schools with City government
and Proposed Rezone Albany effort
need to be thoroughly examined
discussed and debated.
The candidates for citywide and
ward council seats need to make sure
that their positions on the above are
known and understood by the voters
and truly represent the needs and
views of those voters.
Public knowledge of candidate positions
on these and related issues are essential
for voters to make informed choices
when signing petitions in June to
qualify candidates for the September
Primaries and voting for candidates
in the September Party Primaries and
November General Election.
It would be foolhardy, an injustice
and irresponsible, to rush to repeal
the existing City Zoning Code and
City Zoning Map, and replace it with
proposed Rezone Albany Ordinance
and Official Zoning Map, without a
full understanding of how such action
may adversely impact neighborhood
residential integrity and quality of
life, home values, the City property
tax base, City schools, City services
and efforts to restore City fiscal
Compare the existing City Zoning
Code and Zoning Map
with the proposed Rezone Albany
Look at your neighborhood and
The Buckingham Pond-Crestwood
Neighborhood bounded as follows:
(N) Western Ave (E) S Manning Blvd
(W) Rte 85 (S) NYS Thruway.
Presently most of the neighborhood
is zoned R-1B with single family
homes and Houses of Worship being
the principal permitted uses.
The proposed Rezone Albany Code
and Map would add mixed use
districts which would change the
character of the existing zoning
and generate more traffic volume
and congestion on main roads like
New Scotland, Whitehall, Hackett
S, Manning . Western, Buckingham
as well as on existing residential
side streets.
Existing pocket parks/greenspaces
at Whitehall, Hurst, Krum Kill
and South Manning at New Scotland
are eliminated and subject to non-
residential development.
Rezone Albany redefines Houses
of Worship to Religious Institutions
would allow cooperative ventures
with "Non-Profits". The Land is
not taxed. They bring uses and
more traffic/congestion negatively
impacting existing single family
Adoption of the proposed Rezone
Albany Code and Zoning Map would
destroy the current protections that
the existing City Zoning Code/Map
affords neighborhood residential
integrity, quality of life, home values
and the property tax base that contributes
to support of city schools and city services.
Problems of out of control speeding
traffic, traffic congestion and pedestrian
safety would be multiplied by the
enactment of the proposed Rezone
Albany Code and Zoning Map.
Compliance with the complicated
new Code and Zoning Map would
adversely impact present and future
homeowners, particularly the elderly
on fixed incomes, who make up a
large proportion of the neighborhood
In essence adoption of Rezone Albany
and addition of currently not permitted
mixed use zones in currently zoned R IB
single family zoning districts will kill
the "golden goose" of such neighborhoods
that pay the lion's share of property taxes
that support City Schools and City
government services.
Not a wise move for an insolvent City.
The Common Council Planning and
Zoning Committee should Table and
not report the proposed Rezone Albany
Code/Map for the rest of 2017.
The merits of retaining the existing R-1B
single zoning in Wards 4, 8,9,12, 13,14
and 15 should be thoroughly evaluated
debated and understood. Candidates for
Citywide and Ward offices should stake
out their positions on this issue so that
City voters can make informed decisions
when signing petitions to qualify candidates
for the ballot, and voting in the September
primaries and November General Election.
The focus should be on restoring the
fiscal solvency of the City of Albany and
related issues of sanctuary city policies
consolidation of City schools with City
government, security and public safety
traffic control and pedestrian safety.
and property tax relief.
Joe Sullivan
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
UPDATE" At the Mayor's
direction, the Council enacted
Rezone Albany by a vote of
12 to 3 on May 15,
The Rezone Albany effort
Ord. 26.31.17
is moving ahead quickly.
The City Planning Board
Public Hearing will be held
at City Hall Tues, March 28
5:30 PM.
The Common Council Public
Hearing will be held at City
Hall, Mon, April 3, 7 PM.
Go online to view the zoning
district map. Pay close attention
to definitions and permitted
uses in each proposed zoning
The Bach Public Library has
the details available also, for
those who wish to view hard
The proposed rezone Albany
changes will impact our
neighborhood residential and
integrity and quality of life
as well as your property values
and property taxes.
Neighborhood residents are
urged to submit your comments
objections and recommendations
to the Planning Board and
Common Council, in writing
for entry into the hearing
record before the hearings.
You may attend the hearings
and comment, but be advised
that the Common Council
Chamber public section is
extremely small with limited
Read my March 6 post this
Current R 1B Single family residential
zoning districts exist to protect the
residential integrity, quality of life
home values and city property tax
Single family residential zoned
neighborhoods, like ours, pay the
lion's share of property taxes that
support city government services
and city schools.
Neighborhood residents are urged
to study the proposed Rezone Albany
changes that pertain to our existing
single family residential zoning district.
Be prepared to oppose any changes
that would dilute the protections that
the existing zoning affords our, and
similarly zoned single family residential
Mayor Sheehan is quoted as saying .....
"Sometimes we found the enemy, and
the enemy is us...." The Mayor is spot
on with this self analysis.
The statement of City Zoning Appeals
Board, chairman, Richard Berkley saying
"the new rules would focus on what Albany
wants to see built in various neighborhoods"
is further evidence that the present City
Administration is the enemy of home owners
in existing single family residential zoning
districts in the City of Albany.
Home owners should have the last word
regarding what can not be built in their
neighborhoods...not an elitist Mayor
and her elitist political appointees.
The Common Council should table the
Rezone Albany proposal.
Any proposed zoning changes should
appear as November General Election
ballot propositions in the various
neighborhoods/wards impacted
by those proposed changes.
Joe Sullivan
UPDATE" At the Mayor's
direction, the Council enacted
Rezone Albany by a vote of
12 to 3 on May 15,
The Rezone Albany effort
Ord. 26.31.17
is moving ahead quickly.
The City Planning Board
Public Hearing will be held
at City Hall Tues, March 28
5:30 PM.
The Common Council Public
Hearing will be held at City
Hall, Mon, April 3, 7 PM.
Go online to view the zoning
district map. Pay close attention
to definitions and permitted
uses in each proposed zoning
The Bach Public Library has
the details available also, for
those who wish to view hard
The proposed rezone Albany
changes will impact our
neighborhood residential and
integrity and quality of life
as well as your property values
and property taxes.
Neighborhood residents are
urged to submit your comments
objections and recommendations
to the Planning Board and
Common Council, in writing
for entry into the hearing
record before the hearings.
You may attend the hearings
and comment, but be advised
that the Common Council
Chamber public section is
extremely small with limited
Read my March 6 post this
Current R 1B Single family residential
zoning districts exist to protect the
residential integrity, quality of life
home values and city property tax
Single family residential zoned
neighborhoods, like ours, pay the
lion's share of property taxes that
support city government services
and city schools.
Neighborhood residents are urged
to study the proposed Rezone Albany
changes that pertain to our existing
single family residential zoning district.
Be prepared to oppose any changes
that would dilute the protections that
the existing zoning affords our, and
similarly zoned single family residential
Mayor Sheehan is quoted as saying .....
"Sometimes we found the enemy, and
the enemy is us...." The Mayor is spot
on with this self analysis.
The statement of City Zoning Appeals
Board, chairman, Richard Berkley saying
"the new rules would focus on what Albany
wants to see built in various neighborhoods"
is further evidence that the present City
Administration is the enemy of home owners
in existing single family residential zoning
districts in the City of Albany.
Home owners should have the last word
regarding what can not be built in their
neighborhoods...not an elitist Mayor
and her elitist political appointees.
The Common Council should table the
Rezone Albany proposal.
Any proposed zoning changes should
appear as November General Election
ballot propositions in the various
neighborhoods/wards impacted
by those proposed changes.
Joe Sullivan
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
Joe Sullivan
Joe Sullivan
The Right Decision would
have been:
Sell the Palace to a private
entity, put it back on the tax
Close the 12.5 million dollar
2017 City budget hole.
Repeal the "Trash Tax".
Three Council Members
correctly voted "No" on
the Mayor's plan to sell
the Palace to a Non-Profit.
Commisso, Krasher and
12 Council Members rubber
stamped the non- profit sale.
Council President McLaughlin
announced mayoral candidate
endorsed and praised the non-
profit sale.
Joe Sullivan
The Right Decision would
have been:
Sell the Palace to a private
entity, put it back on the tax
Close the 12.5 million dollar
2017 City budget hole.
Repeal the "Trash Tax".
Three Council Members
correctly voted "No" on
the Mayor's plan to sell
the Palace to a Non-Profit.
Commisso, Krasher and
12 Council Members rubber
stamped the non- profit sale.
Council President McLaughlin
announced mayoral candidate
endorsed and praised the non-
profit sale.
Joe Sullivan
Signs in Buckingham Pond Park
warn - not to feed ducks and geese.
Yet, every year people feed the
birds. Ducks and geese populations
of the little pond increase.
So do bird droppings on pathways.
People, their children and pets
trod through the bird droppings
inhaling them, tracking them home
on their shoes and paws.
Some children and pets may even
sample a bird dropping snack.
Geese often become aggressive
if they don't get their handouts
or when charged by screeching
urchins wanting to pet the cute
So go ahead and continue to
ignore the do not feed the bird
You might get a fine..or worse
expose yourselves, children and
pets to bird flu... or maybe lyme
or one of the other 8 or so diseases
transmitted by ticks which hitch
rides on the migrating geese and
Joe Sullivan
Signs in Buckingham Pond Park
warn - not to feed ducks and geese.
Yet, every year people feed the
birds. Ducks and geese populations
of the little pond increase.
So do bird droppings on pathways.
People, their children and pets
trod through the bird droppings
inhaling them, tracking them home
on their shoes and paws.
Some children and pets may even
sample a bird dropping snack.
Geese often become aggressive
if they don't get their handouts
or when charged by screeching
urchins wanting to pet the cute
So go ahead and continue to
ignore the do not feed the bird
You might get a fine..or worse
expose yourselves, children and
pets to bird flu... or maybe lyme
or one of the other 8 or so diseases
transmitted by ticks which hitch
rides on the migrating geese and
Joe Sullivan
Monday, March 06, 2017
Current R 1B Single family residential
zoning districts exist to protect the
residential integrity, quality of life
home values and city property tax
Single family residentially zoned
neighborhoods, like ours, pay the
lion's share of property taxes that
support city government services
and city schools.
Neighborhood residents are urged
to study the proposed Rezone Albany
changes that pertain to our existing
single family residential zoning district.
Be prepared to oppose any changes
that would dilute the protections that
the existing zoning affords our, and
similarly zoned single family residential
Mayor Sheehan is quoted as saying .....
"Sometimes we found the enemy, and
the enemy is us...." The Mayor is spot
on with this self analysis.
The statement of City Zoning Appeals
Board, chairman, Richard Berkley saying
"the new rules would focus on what Albany
wants to see built in various neighborhoods"
is further evidence that the present City
Administration is the enemy of home owners
in existing single family residential zoning
districts in the City of Albany.
Home owners should have the last word
regarding what can not be built in their
neighborhoods...not an elitist Mayor
and her elitist political appointees.
The Common Council should table the
Rezone Albany proposal.
Any proposed zoning changes should
appear as November General Election
ballot propositions in the various
neighborhoods/wards impacted
by those proposed changes.
Joe Sullivan
Current R 1B Single family residential
zoning districts exist to protect the
residential integrity, quality of life
home values and city property tax
Single family residentially zoned
neighborhoods, like ours, pay the
lion's share of property taxes that
support city government services
and city schools.
Neighborhood residents are urged
to study the proposed Rezone Albany
changes that pertain to our existing
single family residential zoning district.
Be prepared to oppose any changes
that would dilute the protections that
the existing zoning affords our, and
similarly zoned single family residential
Mayor Sheehan is quoted as saying .....
"Sometimes we found the enemy, and
the enemy is us...." The Mayor is spot
on with this self analysis.
The statement of City Zoning Appeals
Board, chairman, Richard Berkley saying
"the new rules would focus on what Albany
wants to see built in various neighborhoods"
is further evidence that the present City
Administration is the enemy of home owners
in existing single family residential zoning
districts in the City of Albany.
Home owners should have the last word
regarding what can not be built in their
neighborhoods...not an elitist Mayor
and her elitist political appointees.
The Common Council should table the
Rezone Albany proposal.
Any proposed zoning changes should
appear as November General Election
ballot propositions in the various
neighborhoods/wards impacted
by those proposed changes.
Joe Sullivan
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Joe Sullivan
Joe Sullivan