BuckinghamPondCrestwood NANEWS

My Photo
Location: Albany, New York, United States

CONSERVATIVE ROW C FOR MAYOR CITY OF ALBANY NY November 5, 2013 Election U S Navy Veteran BS Geography, U Wisconsin (Korean GI Bill) MA Geography, U Minnesota (National Fellowship) 30 years as founder and president, Buckingham Pond/ Crestwood Neighborhood Assoc. maintaining/improving neighborhood residential integrity and quality of life. Leadership resulted in creation of Buckingham Pond Park in 1993-94, as well as many other open spaces. See bpcnanews.blogspot.com for list of leadership results. Neighborhood website: bpcnanews.blogspot.com/ see also: albanycityconservative.blogspot.com

Friday, January 30, 2015


Dom Calsolaro abd Dennis Karius
are on the mark regarding the 
value and importance of CDTA
to local residents.

However not because of climate
change and over use of fossil fuels.

CDTA uses clean air, gas powered
buses which improves air quality.


2 Messages

Digest #191


Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:23 am (PST) . Posted by:


Dear Assemblyman McDonald,

The proposed 2015/16 Executive Budget does not have an increase in funding for CDTA, or the other upstate public transportation authorities. Yet, the Governor has proposed funding to keep Thruway tolls at their current rates and massive amounts of money for NYC transportation-related projects.

With the budget hearings now going on, and I think transportation is scheduled for today, I am asking that you make the case for fair and equitable funding for CDTA. Many people of low income depend on CDTA to get to their jobs and to get to medical appointments, etc. It is unfair, in my opinion, to supplement vehicles traveling on the Thruway, many from out-of-state, with State taxpayers' dollars, while those most in need of public transportation see no increase in State aid for public transit operations.

In addition, the use of public transportation helps with the issues related to climate change and our over-reliance on fossil fuels.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Dominick Calsolaro

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:25 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Dennis Karius" den_ergy

Dear Assembly members McDonald & Fahy,     I second the motion ...Thank you,
Dennis Karius

On Thursday, January 29, 2015 8:23 AM, "'dcalsolaro@nycap.rr.com' dcalsolaro@nycap.rr.com [WeRide2]" <WeRide2@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Dear Assemblyman McDonald,

  The proposed 2015/16 Executive Budget does not have an increase in funding for CDTA, or the other upstate public transportation authorities.  Yet, the Governor has proposed funding to keep Thruway tolls at their current rates and massive amounts of money for NYC transportation-related projects.

With the budget hearings now going on, and I think transportation is scheduled for today, I am asking that you make the case for fair and equitable funding for CDTA.  Many people of low income depend on CDTA to get to their jobs and to get to medical appointments, etc.  It is unfair, in my opinion, to supplement vehicles traveling on the Thruway, many from out-of-state, with State taxpayers' dollars, while those most in need of public transportation see no increase in State aid for public transit operations.

In addition, the use of public transportation helps with the issues related to climate change and our over-reliance on fossil fuels.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Dominick Calsolaro

Climate change is beyond the control of humans. An abundance of fossil
fuels is a blessing, not a curse.

Buses are of great benefit and convenience to low income residents and
help reduce traffic congestion in urban places. CDTA also provides good
jobs to local residents.

Due to the excessive use of road salt our roads, trees, bridges, vehicles
and homes, as well as our personal health are adversely impacted.

The day will come when more people will use clean air buses because
they can't afford the price of a car.

Keep the CDTA rolling.  Drill for NY natural gas.                            

                                                                       Joe Sullivan

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Plant a tree or two  on
your property this year.

read more;


                     Joe Sullivan

Saturday, January 24, 2015



2 Messages

Digest #190


Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:15 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Dominick Calsolaro"

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: News from Capital District Transportation Authority
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:18:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Capital District Transportation Authority <cdta@cdta.org>
Reply-To: cdta@cdta.org
To: dcalsolaro@nycap.rr.com

CDTA Weekend Update

The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) has announced that
service changes will go into effect on Sunday, January 25, 2015.
Highlights include improved service on key trunk routes and enhanced
frequency on high performing neighborhood routes. Some minor time
adjustments have also been made to other routes for schedule reliability.

Take a look below and click on the link for more information. Customers
may also contact our Customer Service Center at (518) 482-8822 or stay
connected with CDTA's latest initiatives by visiting facebook.com/
CDTAiride or by following us on twitter.com (@CDTA).

Click here for more information on CDTA's Service Changes

Anyone needing more information on CDTA is encouraged to contact CDTA at
(518) 482-8822.

Customer service representatives are on duty 6am-7pm weekdays and
8:00am-6pm saturdays and 8:00am-5pm sundays and holidays.

*Stay Connected*


Forward email


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Capital District Transportation Authority| 110 Watervliet Avenue|
Albany| NY| 12206

Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:21 am (PST) . Posted by:

"Dominick Calsolaro"

*MTA Raises Fares and Tolls*

The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted on Thursday
to raise the fare on subways and buses
to $2.75 and the cost of a 30-day Metrocard by $4.50, to $116.50. The
fares take effect March 22
The fare hikes are expected to continue
every two years as part of the authority's budgeting.

The MTA currently faces a $15 billion shortfall
for its 5-year, $32 billion capital plan and is looking for help from
the City and State. The MTA has warned that without help it will have to
accelerate the schedule of fare hikes. The MTA has seen record levels of
usage in recent years.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised to invest $750 million in the MTA in his
budget, but did not address the larger funding gap. He has downplayed
the MTA's need.
                                                                 Joe Sullivan


Friday, January 23, 2015

Sunday, December 21, 2014

NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS   Winter/Spring 2015
We live in one of the nicest remaining residential

neighborhoods in  the City of Albany because  we have
had an active neighborhood association
with strong leadership,  for the past 29 years
and your support.

Spring is a time of renewal. A time to renew your

involvement in your neighborhood association.  

Long time homeowners, and new residents, have a stake

 in making sure our neighborhood remains a good place
 to live. There are plenty of issues .

Read neighborhood website:      http://bpcnanews.blogspot.com/


All residents are part of it. See something?
Say / do something. 

Call APD, Center Square Station 458 5660 or 438 4000.
Anti- Terror Hotline: 1 866 SAFE NYS  (723 3697) 

Call me at 438 5230 and we can discuss what role(s) you 

can play in maintaining /improving neighborhood
 residential integrity and quality of life.
1. Improvement of Buckingham Pond Park
2. Strict enforcement of speed limits, all traffic laws

    in our neighborhood
3. Improved snow plowing, reduce road salt use

    implement  alternatives
4. Complete  Daniel P O Connell Memorial Pocket Park 

    Whitehall at  New Scotland & create Neighborhood 
    Greenway  bordered by Crescent
    Krum Kill Rd/New Scotland Ave/ NYS TW/Rte 85                
5. Improve  Crestwood Shopping Plaza
6. Plant trees curb sides /front lawns
7. REZONING. Keep single family zoning. 

    Oppose HUD override of local zoning.
8. Keep Albany Muni a city golf course/park.

    Oppose privatization.
9. Improve Hartman Rd Community Garden
10. Oppose  building an apartment tower/parking garage

      Krum Kill Rd , opposite Ohav Shalom Senior apts
11. Neighborhood security, combat crime/blight 

      promote emergency/disaster  preparedness 
      Officer Jim Brooks 458 5669     jbrooks@albany-ny.org     
12. Oppose reassessment.

COPY/ PASS THIS ON to family/neighbors   

Thank you. Wishing all a happy, healthy, productive 2015       

                                                                       Joe Sullivan

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Friday, January 07, 2011


Our neighborhood association has been a
major factor in maintaining and improving
the residential integrity and environmental
quality of our neighborhood for the past
23 years.

We have defeated land use and zoning
changes that would have adversely impacted
our neighborhood, and adjacent neighborhoods.

We were instrumental in the creation
of Buckingham Pond Park and setting aside
open spaces including the acre green space
and conifer buffer at Krum Kill/New Scotland
the green space at the SW corner of South
Manning /New Scotland.

We have worked to keep graffiti, vandalism
and crime at a minimum in our neighborhood.

2011 presents many challenges for our

1. Traffic/Pedestrian Safety.  In the past week
there have been a number of auto accidents
in the vicinity of New Scotland Ave, Krum Kill
Rd and Buckingham Dr., which have resulted
in serious injuries and one death.

The root causes of these accidents 
include: execessive speed, reckless
driving and failure of drivers and
pedestrians to be alert to what they
are doing , to road conditions and to
what is going on around them.

Speeding traffic on main roads like
New Scotland, Western, South Manning
Whitehall, Krum Kill, Buckingham and
many tributary residential streets
is a serious problem that needs the
attention of the Albany Police and
the Mayor.

A mayoral proclamation announcing
strict enforcement of speed limits and
targeting reckless driving, on
residential streets is required.

2. Crestwood Plaza

We promoted retention/improvement of
Crestwood Plaza as a neighborhood
commercial plaza.

Current plaza management needs to
 improve the appearance of the plaza
by litter control and landscaping/plantings
including flowers and flowering

3. The SW Corner of Whitehall at
New Scotland

We promoted clean up and removal of the
derelict former gas station and successfully
opposed further commercial development
of that 3/4 acre parcel. We advocated that
the developer of the adjacent condos deed
the parcel as park land to the city as part
of thec condo development approval. This
was done.

We have recommended that the parcel be
dedicated as the Dan O'Connell Memorial
Pocket Park, landscaped with a rolling
berms, planted with a mix of conifers
harwoods, flowering shrubs and perennial
flowers. Also, a few benches, a flagpole and
a small stone/plaque in memory of Dan
who lived father down Whitehall Rd for
the latter years of his life. This remains
to be done by the City in cooperation with
the condo developer.

4. The Stewart's Shop: Whitehall
at New Scotland.

We have worked with Stewart's management
to make their store a successful venture in
harmony with our neighborhood.

Our efforts with regard to the 3/4 acre
parcel across the street, have helped
assure the success of the Stewart's shop.

The Stewart's shop will undergo change
this year. The store will be relocated on
the green space adjacent to the existing
store which will be razed for an expanded
parking lot and expansion of gas pumps
and canopy.

We have urged Stewart's to save the
fine Oak located where the current
green space meets the existing parking
lot, bordering the entrance from New
Scotland Ave.

This can be accomplished by leaving
it where it is, or moving the tree to
the park parcel across the street.

At the recent meeting regarding the
Stewart's expansion, we observed that
expansion of the gas pump islands and
canopy   was questionable, and that
establishment of a traffic entrance
and exit flow pattern would be essential
to avoid an increase of vehicle/pedestrian

Just recently, a man was hit in the
crosswalk at Whitehall/New Scotland.

5. The 7 acre parcel  Krum Kill at
New Scotland

We defeated two atttempts to locate
a big box store on that parcel.

The parcel is privately owned.

We have recommended that the City
work out a transfer of development
rights plan whereby the parcel owners
deed the parcel to the City as parkland
and in return receive property of equal
value downtown or elsewhere in the

We have further recommended that
the 7 acre parcel front on Krum Kill
and New Scotland, be connected with
the 5 acre landlocked parcel which
has be rezoned Land Conservation, at
our urging, and the 10 acre parcel
adjacent to the Stewarts shop and
Crescent Dr, which is City owned,
to form a 23 Acre Neighborhood

8. Buckingham Pond Park

At our urging, with the cooperation of
then Alderman,Howard Greenstein
the pond and adjacent shoreline were
rezoned and Conservation (LC), park land
in 1994, creating Buckingham Pond Park.

The park needs an improvement
plan which addresses pathways
water quality, shore erosion
woodlot management including
planting of a greater variety of
hardwoods, conifers, flowering
trees/bushes and perennial flowers.
In addition, vandalism and safety
concerns must be addressed.

Review numerous previous posts
on this topic, on the site, which
specify, in greater detail, needed
improvements to the park.

9. The White Death

Excessive dumping of road salt causes
great harm to roadways, street trees
home exteriors, our expensive homes
and vehicles, water bodies and the
health of  residents and their pets.

In a time of economic stress, dumping
of execessive amounts of road salt is

Refer to earlier posts on this subject.

It is up to the people to press political
officials at local, county and state levels
to address this issue.

10. Emergency/Disaster Preparedness

We live in dangerous times. Disasters
natural and man made can occur at
any time. The threat of terror attacks
grow more frequent every day.

Do not look to government to save you.
They are not prepared. Nor,are local
churches, synagogues, schools, businesses
(despite our repeated urging over the years).

You are on your own when it comes to
saving yourselves, your loved ones and
protectioning your homes and property.

The wise will prepare by taking action
to increase the chances of themselves
and their loved ones, surviving whatever
comes our way in the days, weeks and
months ahead.

Some sources of information to get you













B and J  Guns  1702 Central Ave  Albany   862 9831

11. Our neighborhood watch

Everyone is part of our watch.

Be alert, observant, carry your
cell phones at all times, keyed to
the following numbers:

APD Center Sq Station 458 5660

Anti-Terror Hotline 1 866 SAFE NYS
                                              (723 3697)

                            Joe Sullivan

Posted: http://bpcnanews.blogspot.com/




                             Joe Sullivan


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Changes in City Zoning that

* invade our existing single family

* attempt to privatize Capital Hills
   (Albany Muni) City Golf Course

* hand over local zoning control
   to the federal government (HUD)

Zoning is a local /state matter not
among the enumerated powers
delegate to the federal government
by the U S Constitution.

Insist that our Governor, state
legislators, and local elected officials
uphold their oaths of office to abide
by the Constitution.

We are working with our neighboring
Eagle Point NA to protect the residential
integrity and quality of life in our
respective neighborhoods. 

Mayor Sheehan has selected
Clarion Associates to do a
comprehensive rewrite of  City
of the city zoning ordinance and
land use regulations.

Beware of that word "comprehensive"
as illustrated by federal legislation
such as obamacare and immigration

Don't we have enough local
talent to amend our own zoning
and land use regulations?

Why do we have a Common Council
and City Corporation Counsel?

Albany Rezoning Kick-Off Forums

Tues 15 January 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Albany City Hall Rotunda

Weds 14 January  1-2:30 PM
200 Henry Johnson Blvd
Community Room

Introduction of  process and
gathering thoughts,  ideas
experiences from stakeholders

Attend, observe, listen, ask
questions, add your two cents.

                          Joe Sullivan

Sunday, January 04, 2015


Observe New Scotland Ave
from South Manning Blvd
to the Thruway bridge.

Evidence of speeding, reckless

* the fire hydrant at corner
   of Buckingham hit and
   nearly uprooted

*  tire tracks on the lawn of
    Bethany Church and the
    curb island.. also several
    places further West

* the memorial wreath on
   the tree near corner of Euclid 

* stop signs recently installed on
   Buckingham Dr  are being
   run.. the resultant traffic
   back ups, at afternoon rush
   only add to air pollution and
   make it difficult for residents
   to enter or leave their drive

* other neighborhood stop
   signs are routinely being

* speeding vehicles, including
   snow plows continue

Red Light cameras will do
nothing to stop this -

A proclamation by Mayor
and/or Common Council
that "all traffic laws will
be strictly enforced" and
directing the APD to do
so, will do the job.... and
bring more revenue to
city the treasury- as well
as contribute of the Mayor's
goal of making our neighborhoods
safer and more walkable

Enactment of a 25 mph
speed limit in city residential
neighborhoods, as was done
in communist NYC, would


on the newly installed traffic
   signal box at Harding/New Scotland

* litter/parked cars on lawn
  group home  730 NS Ave

observe other similar
   happenings along NS Ave
   and tributary streets.


* broken limbs/branches
   fallen here and there

* most trees bear scars
  of collisions with speeding
  out of control vehicles

* excessive dumping of
   road salt, and improper
   snow plowing are factors
   in the demise of street trees
   and  dooms replacement
   trees to an early death

* pedestrians are more at
   risk from reckless, speeding
   vehicles, as trees are taken
   down, not replaced or
   replaced with flimsy twigs
   which offer no protection
   to pedestrians

* one of the 2 replacement trees
   planted by the City opposite
   Collins at NS Ave has been
   vandalized by punks under
   cover of darkness. The upper
   half has been broken off.


* as usual I shovelled my
   walks and driveway early
    and did my best to protect
   our young street tree from
   the tsunami of road salt
   sludge caused by speeding
   snow plows  hitting the
   snow/sludge build up that
   is left to accumulate in the
   curb lane

*  to no avail- around midnight
    the speeding snow plow struck
    leaving behind a wave of heavy
    salt/sludge over the street trees
    and sidewalk, filling in driveways

* I summoned a DGS supervisor
   who appeared with another DGS
   worker in a pick up with plow.

   As we were surveying the mess
   one of the culprits passed by in
   a big yellow  plow  truck.

   He was a gypsy hired to supplement
   DGS staff  with snow plowing.

   The driver of the pick up said
    "we are not all bad". I concurred.

    There are many fine DGS  and
     other City workers, such as those
     in the water department, who
     recently addressed a problem
     we were having.

    I offered to teach a course in
    snow plowing 101 ala former
    Mayor Whalen who had it right
    using slow moving, tandem plows
    which began clearing the streets
    as soon as the snow began to fall.

 But that was decades ago.

And homeowners here
face the specter of reassessment
and higher property taxes in
2015 and surrender of local
single family zoning to HUD?

Notice the 4 sale signs
sprouting up on neighborhood

Good bye city property tax base
when present homeowners flee!

There much more to lament
but this is enough for now.

Happy 2015 all. Be sure to
pay your recently arrived
city property tax bills by
January 31.

Neighborhood residents who
want to be active in your
neighborhood association
and get things done - look
around your street- send me
your observations- I may
decide to print those that
are brief and to the point.

In any case, I am out there
walking the hood and will
post my observations from
time to time.

I challenge you to do the

"See something-say something
post something"

You are all part of the 
neighborhood watch. 
Carry your cell phone
with you at all times. 

Observe what occurs on
your street during the day
and after dark.

Read this website for
numerous posts regarding
the poor condition of
Buckingham Pond Park
and needed actions.

                     Joe Sullivan