The campaign trail is one that winds
through the years. Elections are battles
fought along the trail. Some riders fall
off their horses and are not heard from
again after an election concludes.
Others ride on to fight new battles.
This year the battleground is Albany
County, as Carol DeMare's TU article
sets out:
Perhaps, the story headline ought to
read "Most county incumbents go
unchallenged". Why?
I am pleased to be in the saddle again
as the candidate for the new 10th
County Legislative District, with the
Conservative and Independence ballot
Minority lawsuits notwithstanding.
We are all Americans. Time to stop
dividing and time to unite in our
common quest for survival in a
world gone mad.
Independent Conservative is a
description that suits me well.
There is an old saying in politics
relating to candidates:
"before they tell you what
they will do, ask them what they
have done."
Looking back on the past 41
years, I have served as a Town and
City Chairman, a county committeeman
coordinated many local campaigns at the
national, state and local levels. And, I have
been a candidate in many elections for
Congress, NYS Senate and Assembly
town, city and county offices.
Why? Our lives are shaped by politics, like
it or not. So, why stand by on the sidelines
and wring your hands while others decide
our fates? Join the fray and shape the
course of events!
Why haven't I been elected? Because I
do not play the game - raising large
amounts of money, becoming a wholly
owned subsidiary of special interest
groups. Taking clear, perhaps, not
politically correct or safe positions
regarding issues vital to our survival.
Trying to appeal to the intellect of
voters, rather than relying on dragging
them to the polls, to cast partyline
Well, just, maybe, my time has come.
Now, before I tell you what I will do , let
me tell you what I have done, particularly
in the past quarter century as Leader
of the Buckingham Pond Crestwood
Neighborhood Association" and as a
candidate for various public offices:
1. Creation of Buckingham Pond Park
through rezoning the pond and shore
area as LC Land Conservation or
park land (1994)
2. Blocked building luxury housing at
Albany Muni Golf Course, preserving
the view of the Catskill Three Sisters
Mountains; creating the Hartman Rd
Community Garden, as a result of
rezoning both LC (Land Conservation
or park land) (1994)
The above, were major actions which I
advocated in my 1993 campaign for 8th
Ward Albany City Alderman.
3. Blocked several attempts to build a
big box retail store on the 7 acre
parcel , Krum Kill Rd at New Scotland
Ave ( 2000 and 2001)
4. Blocked two attempts to site a 3rd
city middle school at Whitehall and
New Scotland or the 10 acres
bordered by Hemlock/Tea Cup Lanes
and Crescent Dr. (2000 )
At that time, I ran for NYS Senate, taking
the above major position stands.
5. Advocated County clean up of the
toxic 3/4 acre abandoned gas station
site New Scotland Ave at Whitehall Rd
razing the derelict building, blocking
several attempts to rezone the parcel
commercial, and designating the 3/4
acre parcel as a pocket park. (1994-
Advocated it to be the Dan O'Connell
Memorial Pocket Park. Dan lived down
Whitehall Rd. This would be a fitting
tribute to Dan.
So far, for some reason, city officials
have resisted this. But, maybe this year
my proposal will become a reality.
6. Restored Crestwood Plaza as a
neighborhood retail shopping plaza
and breaking the crime ring that
was preying upon elderly shoppers
at the Crestwood Market. (1993-2002)
7. Set aside the acre open space and
planted of the evergreen tree screen
Buckingham Mews, corner of New
Scotland and Krum Kill. (1985)
8. Planted the conifer tree screen
along the back property lines between
single family homes on Buckingham Dr
and the Buckingham Mews extension.
9. Set aside the green space at
New Scotland and S. Manning, (1985)
10. Blocked conversion of the single
family residence, NW corner of New
Scotland and S, Manning, into a half
way treatment facility affiliated with
St Peter's Hospital. (1993)
11. Blocked conversion of Mercy Convent
into office space. (1995)
12. Blocked a plan to provide egress from
the expanded parking at the CP Center
via Pine Tree Lane, Marsdale Sts. and
Hurst Ave at Westford St. (1989)
13. Blocked construction of a 12 story
apartment tower and parking garage
on Krum Kill Rd opposite Ohav Shalom
Senior Apts. (1999)
This would have destroyed the residential
integrity of the adjacent Briar, Oliver
and Aspen Circle neighborhood, as well
as the residential neighborhood of
adjacent Slingerlands.
I note that the current incumbent
county legislator, initially promoted this
development, but later relented.
14. Had many trees planted along roadsides
and on front lawns. For example, the
Red Oaks, Maples and Little Leaf Linden
trees along New Scotland Ave and
Buckingham Dr. as well as many other
neighborhood streets.
Now, of course I did not do all these things
alone. I provided the leadership, galvanized
and had public support as well as gaining
the cooperation of city and county public
Now- what will I do as your representative
on the county legislature, 10th District?
1. Advocate complete review and overhaul
of social services programs, with the aim
of reducing waste and fraud, and weaning
able bodied lifers off the public dole.
A growing dependent population is not
sustainable in hard economic times.
2. Advocate consolidating Albany city
schools with the city government
creating one property tax roll to
support both, returning to K-8
neighborhood schools and
making the Mayor and Common
Council responsible/accountable
for the operation/ performance of
city schools.
The city school curriculum needs
to be revised to meet the needs of an
urban student population and prepare
them to be productive citizens.
More spending on education is
not the answer to school problems.
A 50 percent drop out rate and
disorderly conduct are not to be
Read earlier posts on learning and
education on this website and on
3. Albany City and County needs more
and less expensive electricity to promote
job growth and gain relief from high
utility bills for homeowners, tenants
and businesses.
This can be achieved by tapping into the
electric power transmission line that will
bring Quebec hydropower to New York
City via the Hudson Valley.
4. Instead of sponsoring more new laws and
regulations, I will seek to repeal those laws
and regulations that burden people and
stifle economic development.
5. I will continue to work to preserve the
residential integrity of the neighborhoods
of the 10th District: Buckingham Pond
Crestwood and Slingerlands.
6. I advocate retaining and expanding the
Number 4 bus route to the PC Plaza
in Slingerlands, to better serve the
people of this city neighborhood and
that portion of the 10th District in
Slingerlands, bordered by Krum Kill
and Blessing Rds.
Read Bus This and More Bus This posts
this website.
7. Reduce and implement alternatives to
the destructive practice of dumping
road salt on city streets and county roads.
This annual assault with salt rusts our
expensive vehicles, is responsible for
polluting groundwater and air, the
deteroriation of roads, bridges, gas
water and sewer lines, and poses a
health risk to people.
8. I support the U S Constitution, particularly
the First, Second and Tenth Amendments.
9. Security is the priority issue locally, state
wide and nationally. Without security our
economy and way of life are at risk.
10. I have long advocated shutting down
and securing the Indian Point nuclear
plants. Contrary to claims that nuclear
power is clean and safe, it is not. Spent
fuel rods are stored under these plants
just as was done in Japan. We have no
place to put nuclear wastes and those
wastes remain a hazard for a long, long
From a security standpoint, the Indian
Point plants put tens of millions of people
at risk for an unbelievable disaster.
This is particularly so, in light of the
federal governments failure to secure
our national borders and ports; as well
as New York State, and political
subdivisions, therein, embracing a
policy of sanctuary status for the
millions of illegal aliens who have
invaded our nation, state and local
communities, including a significant
number of foreign terrorists who are
sworn to destroy us.
Many of those who come here legally
as well as illegally, share in this goal.
As a result, immigrants from certain
places and cultures, and their native
born offsprings pose a further security
threat. Immigration policies need to
be revised accordingly.
11. I advocate ending the sanctuary policy
in Albany County, and the political
subdivisions thereof. I oppose amnesty
for illegals.
12. I will continue to advocate that
individuals, households, churches
synagogues, schools , businesses, and
health care providers in the 10th District
prepare to survive any disasters, natural
or man made, that may befall us in the
days ahead.
13. I will do all that I can to promote informed
citizen participation in our political process
at the local, state and national levels.
We live in perilous times. Government can't
save us ..... we must save ourselves and the
If you want a truly independent, conservative
candidate to represent you...and you want term
limits... I am your man.
Consult the posts and archives of this website
and Lonerangeralbany for much more.
http://lonerangeralbany.blogspot.com/ read nationwide and
My campaign is your campaign. Pass the
word to family, friends and neighbors.
Go to the polls on November 8th and cast
informed votes, where you are fortunate
to have the opportunity.
Meanwhile, enjoy the waning days of
Thank you.
Joe Sullivan
The campaign trail is one that winds
through the years. Elections are battles
fought along the trail. Some riders fall
off their horses and are not heard from
again after an election concludes.
Others ride on to fight new battles.
This year the battleground is Albany
County, as Carol DeMare's TU article
sets out:
Perhaps, the story headline ought to
read "Most county incumbents go
unchallenged". Why?
I am pleased to be in the saddle again
as the candidate for the new 10th
County Legislative District, with the
Conservative and Independence ballot
Minority lawsuits notwithstanding.
We are all Americans. Time to stop
dividing and time to unite in our
common quest for survival in a
world gone mad.
Independent Conservative is a
description that suits me well.
There is an old saying in politics
relating to candidates:
"before they tell you what
they will do, ask them what they
have done."
Looking back on the past 41
years, I have served as a Town and
City Chairman, a county committeeman
coordinated many local campaigns at the
national, state and local levels. And, I have
been a candidate in many elections for
Congress, NYS Senate and Assembly
town, city and county offices.
Why? Our lives are shaped by politics, like
it or not. So, why stand by on the sidelines
and wring your hands while others decide
our fates? Join the fray and shape the
course of events!
Why haven't I been elected? Because I
do not play the game - raising large
amounts of money, becoming a wholly
owned subsidiary of special interest
groups. Taking clear, perhaps, not
politically correct or safe positions
regarding issues vital to our survival.
Trying to appeal to the intellect of
voters, rather than relying on dragging
them to the polls, to cast partyline
Well, just, maybe, my time has come.
Now, before I tell you what I will do , let
me tell you what I have done, particularly
in the past quarter century as Leader
of the Buckingham Pond Crestwood
Neighborhood Association" and as a
candidate for various public offices:
1. Creation of Buckingham Pond Park
through rezoning the pond and shore
area as LC Land Conservation or
park land (1994)
2. Blocked building luxury housing at
Albany Muni Golf Course, preserving
the view of the Catskill Three Sisters
Mountains; creating the Hartman Rd
Community Garden, as a result of
rezoning both LC (Land Conservation
or park land) (1994)
The above, were major actions which I
advocated in my 1993 campaign for 8th
Ward Albany City Alderman.
3. Blocked several attempts to build a
big box retail store on the 7 acre
parcel , Krum Kill Rd at New Scotland
Ave ( 2000 and 2001)
4. Blocked two attempts to site a 3rd
city middle school at Whitehall and
New Scotland or the 10 acres
bordered by Hemlock/Tea Cup Lanes
and Crescent Dr. (2000 )
At that time, I ran for NYS Senate, taking
the above major position stands.
5. Advocated County clean up of the
toxic 3/4 acre abandoned gas station
site New Scotland Ave at Whitehall Rd
razing the derelict building, blocking
several attempts to rezone the parcel
commercial, and designating the 3/4
acre parcel as a pocket park. (1994-
Advocated it to be the Dan O'Connell
Memorial Pocket Park. Dan lived down
Whitehall Rd. This would be a fitting
tribute to Dan.
So far, for some reason, city officials
have resisted this. But, maybe this year
my proposal will become a reality.
6. Restored Crestwood Plaza as a
neighborhood retail shopping plaza
and breaking the crime ring that
was preying upon elderly shoppers
at the Crestwood Market. (1993-2002)
7. Set aside the acre open space and
planted of the evergreen tree screen
Buckingham Mews, corner of New
Scotland and Krum Kill. (1985)
8. Planted the conifer tree screen
along the back property lines between
single family homes on Buckingham Dr
and the Buckingham Mews extension.
9. Set aside the green space at
New Scotland and S. Manning, (1985)
10. Blocked conversion of the single
family residence, NW corner of New
Scotland and S, Manning, into a half
way treatment facility affiliated with
St Peter's Hospital. (1993)
11. Blocked conversion of Mercy Convent
into office space. (1995)
12. Blocked a plan to provide egress from
the expanded parking at the CP Center
via Pine Tree Lane, Marsdale Sts. and
Hurst Ave at Westford St. (1989)
13. Blocked construction of a 12 story
apartment tower and parking garage
on Krum Kill Rd opposite Ohav Shalom
Senior Apts. (1999)
This would have destroyed the residential
integrity of the adjacent Briar, Oliver
and Aspen Circle neighborhood, as well
as the residential neighborhood of
adjacent Slingerlands.
I note that the current incumbent
county legislator, initially promoted this
development, but later relented.
14. Had many trees planted along roadsides
and on front lawns. For example, the
Red Oaks, Maples and Little Leaf Linden
trees along New Scotland Ave and
Buckingham Dr. as well as many other
neighborhood streets.
Now, of course I did not do all these things
alone. I provided the leadership, galvanized
and had public support as well as gaining
the cooperation of city and county public
Now- what will I do as your representative
on the county legislature, 10th District?
1. Advocate complete review and overhaul
of social services programs, with the aim
of reducing waste and fraud, and weaning
able bodied lifers off the public dole.
A growing dependent population is not
sustainable in hard economic times.
2. Advocate consolidating Albany city
schools with the city government
creating one property tax roll to
support both, returning to K-8
neighborhood schools and
making the Mayor and Common
Council responsible/accountable
for the operation/ performance of
city schools.
The city school curriculum needs
to be revised to meet the needs of an
urban student population and prepare
them to be productive citizens.
More spending on education is
not the answer to school problems.
A 50 percent drop out rate and
disorderly conduct are not to be
Read earlier posts on learning and
education on this website and on
3. Albany City and County needs more
and less expensive electricity to promote
job growth and gain relief from high
utility bills for homeowners, tenants
and businesses.
This can be achieved by tapping into the
electric power transmission line that will
bring Quebec hydropower to New York
City via the Hudson Valley.
4. Instead of sponsoring more new laws and
regulations, I will seek to repeal those laws
and regulations that burden people and
stifle economic development.
5. I will continue to work to preserve the
residential integrity of the neighborhoods
of the 10th District: Buckingham Pond
Crestwood and Slingerlands.
6. I advocate retaining and expanding the
Number 4 bus route to the PC Plaza
in Slingerlands, to better serve the
people of this city neighborhood and
that portion of the 10th District in
Slingerlands, bordered by Krum Kill
and Blessing Rds.
Read Bus This and More Bus This posts
this website.
7. Reduce and implement alternatives to
the destructive practice of dumping
road salt on city streets and county roads.
This annual assault with salt rusts our
expensive vehicles, is responsible for
polluting groundwater and air, the
deteroriation of roads, bridges, gas
water and sewer lines, and poses a
health risk to people.
8. I support the U S Constitution, particularly
the First, Second and Tenth Amendments.
9. Security is the priority issue locally, state
wide and nationally. Without security our
economy and way of life are at risk.
10. I have long advocated shutting down
and securing the Indian Point nuclear
plants. Contrary to claims that nuclear
power is clean and safe, it is not. Spent
fuel rods are stored under these plants
just as was done in Japan. We have no
place to put nuclear wastes and those
wastes remain a hazard for a long, long
From a security standpoint, the Indian
Point plants put tens of millions of people
at risk for an unbelievable disaster.
This is particularly so, in light of the
federal governments failure to secure
our national borders and ports; as well
as New York State, and political
subdivisions, therein, embracing a
policy of sanctuary status for the
millions of illegal aliens who have
invaded our nation, state and local
communities, including a significant
number of foreign terrorists who are
sworn to destroy us.
Many of those who come here legally
as well as illegally, share in this goal.
As a result, immigrants from certain
places and cultures, and their native
born offsprings pose a further security
threat. Immigration policies need to
be revised accordingly.
11. I advocate ending the sanctuary policy
in Albany County, and the political
subdivisions thereof. I oppose amnesty
for illegals.
12. I will continue to advocate that
individuals, households, churches
synagogues, schools , businesses, and
health care providers in the 10th District
prepare to survive any disasters, natural
or man made, that may befall us in the
days ahead.
13. I will do all that I can to promote informed
citizen participation in our political process
at the local, state and national levels.
We live in perilous times. Government can't
save us ..... we must save ourselves and the
If you want a truly independent, conservative
candidate to represent you...and you want term
limits... I am your man.
Consult the posts and archives of this website
and Lonerangeralbany for much more.
http://lonerangeralbany.blogspot.com/ read nationwide and
My campaign is your campaign. Pass the
word to family, friends and neighbors.
Go to the polls on November 8th and cast
informed votes, where you are fortunate
to have the opportunity.
Meanwhile, enjoy the waning days of
Thank you.
Joe Sullivan