Auto Break ins/Robberies AdvisoryOfficer Romand, APD, advises that therehave been a number of vehicle break insin nearby neighborhoods in the past fewweeks.With the advent of warmer weather andthe economic downturn, it is prudentfor our neighborhood residents to be alertand guard against street robberies, vehicleand home break ins as well as graffiti vandalism. Also, drug deals at theBuckingham Pond Park parking lotfoot of Colonial Ave, N side of park.Dogwalkers, strollers, joggers and driversare encouraged to carry their cell phonesat all times so that they may immediatelynotify the APD 458 5660 and/orAnti Terror Hotline 1 866 SAFE NYS723 3697as appropriate.Homeowners and apartment dwellersare urged to keep a close watch ontheir blocks.All neighborhood residents are part ofour neighborhood watch.Joe SullivanTheft Prevention Tips
Lock Your Car. Most thieves will try multiple car doors to look for one that is unlocked to steal out of.
Don’t Hide a Second Set of Keys in Your Car. They don’t serve a purpose and if a thief gets in your car they could steal it.
Park in Well-Lighted Areas.
Park in Attended Lots. Auto thieves do not like witnesses and prefer unattended lots.
Close Your Car Windows When Parking. Don’t make it any easier for the thief to enter your vehicle.
Hide Your Valuables. Don’t make your car a more desirable target for thieves by leaving valuables in plain sight.
Make The Interior of Your Car Look The Same Way It Did When You Bought It. Clean out the visible change in the center console and anything else that is in plain view from the outside of the car. One dollar in change is enough for a thief to break into your car.
Plug Auxiliary Power Out l e t s . Thieve s will think that there are electronic devices in the car if they see open power out lets .
Report Suspicious Activity. People looking into or trying the door handles on vehicles .
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Anti -Theft Device s
Remote Ca r Starter . Al lows the owner to safely start a vehicle and leave the motor running to pre -heat the interior .
Alarm Systems .Security systems that make loud warning sounds and flash the vehicle’s lights to attract attention t o the vehicle .
Ignition Kill Switch. Disables the power to the s tarter of a vehicle until a hidden switch is activated.
Fuel Kill Switch. A valve that cuts off the fuel supply to the vehicle .
Visible Steering Wheel Lock. Pr e -vents the steering wheel from being turned .
Floor board Locks. Devices that disable the gas or b rake pedal .
Gear shift Locks . Disable s shifting o f the transmission.
Ti r e /Wheel Locks . Prevents the vehicle from moving.
Hood Locks . Prevents thieves from gaining access to your security system and battery .
Locking Wheel Lug Nuts .They are inexpensive and c an de t e r a thief from stealing your wheels . You only need one per wheel . Don’t leave the key visible in your car.
Removable Face Stereo Unit .The control pane l o f the s t e r e o comes off to be taken with you. This makes the stereo inoperable without it.
Locking Fuel Ca p. The high price of fuel has made it a hot commodity.
VIN-Etching. Have al l the glass in your vehicle etched with the VIN number to deter cars t ripping.
Be Pr e pa r e d
Keep Your Gas Tank At Le as t Hal f Full . This could prevent you from breaking down in an undesirable area.
Have An Emergency Kit In Your Trunk.
Don’t Abandon Your Vehicle . I f you b r e a k down and have to leave your vehicle on the side of a road; Don’t leave it for a long time .
Theft Prevention
Police Officer Rick Romand
Albany Police Department
Community Service Unit
Center Station
536 Western Ave
Albany NY 12203
PH 518-458-5669
Fax 518-458-5662
Rick Romand 224/2180