For 30 years the Buckingham Pond
Crestwood Neighborhood Association
has served the largely single family
residential neighborhood bordered
by Western Ave (N) South Manning
Blvd (E) Whitehall Rd-NYSTW (S)
Rte 85 (W).
Our main objective has been to
maintain/improve the residential
integrity, environment and quality
of life of this neighborhood.
A few of our achievements are:
1. Creation of Buckingham Pond
Park (1994) by rezoning the pond
and adjacent shore as Land
Conservation (LC) park land
2. Blocking a luxury housing plan
for Albany Municipal Golf
Course (1993-94) and rezoning
it as LC park land, as well
as saving the land which became
Hartman Rd Community Garden.
3. Blocking plans for a third
middle school at Whitehall and
New Scotland(1999-2000)
4. Blocking a plan to site a
big box store the 7 acre
parcel at New Scotland and
Krum Kill Rd (behind the
Mobil station and bordering
Crescent Dr.) (2000}
We have urged the 7 acres
be combined with 5 acres
of land locked wetland
and 10 acres of city land
behind the Stewart's store
to form a neighborhood
green way.
No action by the City, as
5. Clean up of the brownfield
former gas station at Whitehall
and New Scotland, blocking
several attempts at commercial
development of the 3/4 acre
parcel and eventually having
the site designated as open
space when the Amedore homes
were built.
We have urged that the parcel
become the Dan O Connell
Pocket Park- but to date the
City has failed to act on this
6. Creation of permanent green
spaces along New Scotland
Avenue at South Manning
Krum Kill and Whitehall.
We supported construction
of Buckingham Mews in
retaining the acre green space
at Krum Kill/New Scotland
and planting the conifer trees
bordering New Scotland
Krum Kill, Friebel and the
boundary line behind homes
on Buckingham Dr.
7. Blocked egress from expanded
CP parking lots via Marsdale/
Harding and Hurst/Westford
8. Advocated retaining Crestwood
Plaza as a neighborhood retail
commercial plaza.
9. Blocked construction of a
12 story apartment/parking
garage on the Krum Kill Rd
wetland/archeological site
across from Ohav Shalom.
10. Obtained a NY Supreme
Court Decision annulling
the City Board of Zoning
Appeals approval of the
Family Promise of the
Capital Region rented
homeless social services
hub at the Bethany Church
pasonage-738 New Scotland
Family Promise and Bethany
appealed the Supreme Court
Decision to the Appellate
Court, 3rd Dept.
The Appellate Court will not
likely take the appeal because
the Supreme Court Decision
is correct on the law and
because Family Promise/
Bethany are asking the
Appellate Court to make
Refer to posts this blog
2015-2016 which provide
details and the rationale for
opposing the Family Promise
regional homeless social
services hub in this R-1B
single family zoned residential
11. Supported defeat of the 200
million dollar high school
reconstruction proposal in
the November 2015 General
election. Opposed the February
9 , 2016 revote and proposed
merging the city schools with
city government, with one
property tax roll to finance
both, return to a k-8 neighborhood
school system, abolishing the
city school board: making the
Mayor and Common Council
responsible/accountable for the
operation/performance of City
The self identified "progressives
that control Albany City schools
and Albany City government have
sought to gain control of our
neighborhood, first through the
Buckingham Pond Conservancy
and now through forming the
Buckingham Lake association.
The organizers and officers of
both organizations are the same.
Allies, job holders, relatives and
supporters of the City Schools
City Hall and the Common Council.
The organizer of the Buckingham
Pond Conservancy used that
organization as a stepping stone
to a seat on the City School Board.
Have you seen the condition of
Buckingham Pond Park after
7 years stewardship by the BPC?
Take a walk around the park,
The formation of the "new"
Buckingham Lake Neighborhood
Association is intended to serve
as a stepping stone for candidates
seeking election to ward and citywide
public offices and validating the
Mayor's agenda to reassess, rezone
and social engineer the uptown
single family residential zoned
neighborhoods in order to reap
financial rewards from federal
HUD grants bringing the Obama
agenda to transform America
right down to the neighborhood
Explore the links below and
the posts on this website.
Connect the dots and decide
for yourselves.
Residents of the BPCNA
neighborhood are all members
of this association and
neighborhood watch.There
are no dues. You are invited
and urged to participate.
You can do nothing. Or, you
can participate in the independent
BPCNA.Or, you can join the
one, or both ,of the below of
the City Administration inspired
Both are meeting in April at
Bethany Church to help get out the
vote for the April 19th Presidential
Polls are open Noon to 9 pm.
You may request and vote by
absentee ballot.
Only enrolled Democrats or
Republicans can vote in the
primary. Independents or non
enrolled voters get what is left
over in November.
There are two opposing Democratic
Presidential slates on the ballot:
The Hillary slate led by Mayor Sheehan
and the Bernie Slate.
You can send Mayor Sheehan
a message by voting for the Bernie Slate.
PASS THE WORD to family, neighbors
and friends.
Joe Sullivan (See Times Union March 24, 2016 Pp C1 and C3)