Restructuring of the CDTA bus lines
has provided access from Arbor Hill
and South End to the good who work
at St Peters and Albany Med.
But, the bad now have easy access to
break in and rob homes in our hood.
Particularly in daytime, when so many
homeowners are at work and the APD
is deployed elsewhere in the city.
Several incidents coincided with arrival
of the 138 loop.
Tip. Perps are after jewelry, cash and
items that can be carried aboard buses
without arousing attention. Don't look
for flat screen tv's , etc.
Remember, all neighborhood residents
are part of our neighborhood watch.
Those numbers, again. APD Center
Station 458 5660 and 1 866 SAFE NYS
(723 3697).
Observe your surroundings and who
is out and about in the hood. See something?
Say something. Do something!
Joe Sullivan