BuckinghamPondCrestwood NANEWS

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Location: Albany, New York, United States

CONSERVATIVE ROW C FOR MAYOR CITY OF ALBANY NY November 5, 2013 Election U S Navy Veteran BS Geography, U Wisconsin (Korean GI Bill) MA Geography, U Minnesota (National Fellowship) 30 years as founder and president, Buckingham Pond/ Crestwood Neighborhood Assoc. maintaining/improving neighborhood residential integrity and quality of life. Leadership resulted in creation of Buckingham Pond Park in 1993-94, as well as many other open spaces. See bpcnanews.blogspot.com for list of leadership results. Neighborhood website: bpcnanews.blogspot.com/ see also: albanycityconservative.blogspot.com

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This message is for residents of the
Buckingham Pond/Crestwood NA
and adjacent parts of Slingerlands
bordering Krum Kill and Blessing

It has wider application to other
neighborhoods as well.

The basic idea is that "government
can't save us - we must save ourselves
the government and America".

I spoke with Mayor Jennings on his
Talk 1300 radio program this past
Friday.  (AM 1300  9- 10 AM).

I called the Mayor's attention to
3 quality of life issues impacting our

1. The need to save the Academy Station
    Post Office across from St Peter's

2. The need to save the Number 4 bus
     route and expand service on that
     route along Krum Kill and Blessing
     Rds to the Price Chopper Plaza in
     Slingerlands; and make the PC Plaza
     a transfer point for the 19, 13, 18 and
     4 bus routes.

     This proposal will increase ridership
      on the Number 4 route, providing
      the large number of seniors resident
      along the route to the PC Plaza, and
      providing commuters resident along
      that route with easy access to the
      College of St Rose and other mid and
      downtown locations in the City of

3. The need to combat speeding and
    reckless driving on main neighborhood
    streets, including: New Scotland Ave,
    Whitehall Rd, Krum Kill Rd, Bender 
    Buckingham Dr., South Manning Blvd
    South Allen and Western Ave: as well
    as local streets including: Friebel,Ormond
    Tampa; Berkshire, Euclid and Lenox
    Ferndale, Hopewell, Hackett, Collins.

Mayor Jennings was very responsive. He
asked that I get a petition going to save
the post office. The petition is in circulation.

He was not familiar with the Number 4 bus
route issue. If residents along the existing
route which runs Western Ave to Colonial
to Ohav Shalom; and residents along the
proposed expansion of the route to PC Plaza
along the Krum Kill/Blessing Rd corridors
want this route saved and expanded -
organize your petition drive
to the attention of Mayor Jennings and

Lastly, make emergency/disaster
preparations, now. Winter is coming.
Foreign and domestic terrorists are
out there seeking to do us harm. We
are warned by the Federal government
that attacks on the homeland are coming.

We have the responsibility to do all that
we can to protect ourselves, our loved
ones and our property from whatever
disasters, natural or man-made, that come
our way.

Scroll back  to posts on this website and
Lonerangeralbany, for many useful links
that will help you prepare.

Share this information with family and
neighbors who are not connected to the

Do your part. Participate. Anticipate.
Prepare and pass the word.

                                            Joe Sullivan


Heavy rains. Hurricane season.

Flood insurance a good idea for

Go to:

Joe Sullivan

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Contact CDTA and Mayor Jennings.

cdta.org. click on contact. Post. Send.


Let them know that you support
saving and expanding the Number
4 bus route.

Read earlier Bus This posts, this
website, for details.

                                       Joe Sullivan


Save the Academy Station Post Office
on New Scotland Ave, opposite St Peter's

Sign/circulate the petition to Mayor
Jennings, which he will forward to
Governor Cuomo and our Members
in Congress.

Check with your neighbors who have
copies of the petition for you to sign.

If you have received a petition sheet
sign it and circulate it among your
neighbors for their signature.

Return all signed petitions to Mayor
Jennings at City Hall 12207.

                                        Joe Sullivan