BuckinghamPondCrestwood NANEWS

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Location: Albany, New York, United States

CONSERVATIVE ROW C FOR MAYOR CITY OF ALBANY NY November 5, 2013 Election U S Navy Veteran BS Geography, U Wisconsin (Korean GI Bill) MA Geography, U Minnesota (National Fellowship) 30 years as founder and president, Buckingham Pond/ Crestwood Neighborhood Assoc. maintaining/improving neighborhood residential integrity and quality of life. Leadership resulted in creation of Buckingham Pond Park in 1993-94, as well as many other open spaces. See bpcnanews.blogspot.com for list of leadership results. Neighborhood website: bpcnanews.blogspot.com/ see also: albanycityconservative.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Buckingham Pond/Crestwood Neighborhood News March/April 2008
J P Sullivan 438 5230
BPCNA Neighborhood bounds: (N) Western Av (S) NYS TW (E) S Manning (W) Rte 85
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH. All residents are watch members. Be alert. Observe and
report suspicious individuals/activities to APD 458-5660 and/or Anti-Terror Hotline at
1-866 SAFENYS (723 3697). Hard times are here and we can anticipate more crime,
particularly home break ins during the daytime hours and robberies at night. Schools,
synagogues, hospitals, gasoline stations, roads, bridges and utility lines are potential
terrorist targets. Terrorists and their domestic allies are lying in wait.
EMERGENCY/DISASTER PREPAREDNESS is the resposibility of every individual and
household. Don't look for government to save us. Local schools, churches, synagogues
have failed to prepare to serve as refuges. We are on our own! See your neighborhood
website for further information. http://bpcnanews.blogspot.com/
CITY PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENT. Our homes are worth less, but our city and school
property taxes continue to increase every year. Be sure that you have filed for veterans,
senior and STAR exemptions. May 1, property tax rolls are open for inspection, and you
may challenge your assessments during that month. Contact the Albany City Assessors
office, City Hall 434 5155 for further details.
PLANT A TREE in your front yard, or curbside, this Spring. The City has a tree planting
program: call 434 7480. The Albany County Soil and Water Conservation District has
tree transplants/seedlings, shrubs and flowering plants for sale. You must order by
March 19. Call: 765 7923. Trees add to your property values, provide visual beauty,
shade and combat growing air pollution from increased vehicle traffic on local streets.
THE 2008 ELECTIONS are crucial to our personal survival and that of our nation. We are
in a stealth world war. The jihadists are sworn to destroy us. They are already among us
and have plenty of potential allies from among the tens of millions of illegal aliens and
native-born malcontents. Failure to secure our national borders has put us in grave danger.
The principal role of the next President, is that of Commander In Chief. National security
is the primier issue. All others pale in significance. This is no time for party politics as usual.
The next President and Vice-President must have military experience. Ideally, the same
holds true for the next Member of Congress to represent us in the 21st District. We are in
a war for our very survival. This is no time for on the job training or pandering to the
myopic views, and agendas, of the assorted special interest groups and media.
Voters have the ultimate challenge of casting informed votes for the best candidates to
lead our federal and state governments in these dark days. Gender, race, and party are
irrelevant. Choose carefully. Our individual and collective survival hangs in the balance!
For more, go to: http://journals.aol.com/lonerangeralbany/lonerangeralbany/
a block Captain, on a committee, or work on special assignments. Call 438 5230.
Pass the word. Joe Sullivan