BuckinghamPondCrestwood NANEWS

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Location: Albany, New York, United States

CONSERVATIVE ROW C FOR MAYOR CITY OF ALBANY NY November 5, 2013 Election U S Navy Veteran BS Geography, U Wisconsin (Korean GI Bill) MA Geography, U Minnesota (National Fellowship) 30 years as founder and president, Buckingham Pond/ Crestwood Neighborhood Assoc. maintaining/improving neighborhood residential integrity and quality of life. Leadership resulted in creation of Buckingham Pond Park in 1993-94, as well as many other open spaces. See bpcnanews.blogspot.com for list of leadership results. Neighborhood website: bpcnanews.blogspot.com/ see also: albanycityconservative.blogspot.com

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Change is coming, no thanks to any politician or candidate. It is wise to be ready.
ROAD SALT - Tons of salt have been dumped on us this winter. On a clear, dry day, with a bit of wind, take a deep breath of air. It will burn your nasal passages and lungs. Excessive amounts of road salt are a health problem, that is yet to be recognized. It kills street trees, causes deterioration of roads, bridges, and building exteriors. See earlier postings on this site for more details.
Call City Hall and your elected Assembly and State Senate Members. Tell them to take action to reduce excessive salt dumping on local streets and highways: and to promote less damaging alternatives. Lastly, drivers should slow down and adapt their driving to road and weather conditions.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Remember, every resident is a watch member. Keep a close eye on your block. and be watchful as you travel through the neighborhood and city. Report any suspicious activities to the APD 462 8049/ 458 5660.
TERRORISM is an ongoing real threat. Be alert, anticipate, observe and report any possible terrorist activities to the APD and to the NYS Anti-Terror Hotline: 1-866 SAFE NYS (723 3697).
No terror targets in our neighborhood? Think again! Churches, synagogues, schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, water, sewer, natural gas and electric lines.
EMERGENCY/DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. You and your loved ones are on their own. It is your responsibility to be come informed, to anticipate what might go wrong, and be ready to survive whatever occurs. Do not look to your neighborhood schools, churches or synagogues for refuge. Despite numerous pleas, they are not ready. Nor are local and state governments going to be able to save you. Plenty of resources are listed in prior postings on this site. You can begin with: http://www.ready.gov/ . For a checklist of emergency supplies you should have on hand, go to: www.security.state.ny.us/BeReady/emergency_supplies.htm
BUCKINGHAM POND PARK We need a comprehensive park plan for the coming months. Right now, brush and vines should be cleared away to allow young trees to surivive and mature. More plantings are needed. Consult earlier entries for details of what needs to be done.
LAWN CHEMICALS AND PESTICIDES. Many local homeowner have a chemical addiction. Careless, excessive applications of fertilizers and lawn chemicals pose a health problem for adults, children and pets; and are contributing to he death of Buckingham Pond. Find out how to wean yourselves off lawn chemicals. Contact Cornell Coop Extension, Albany County at 765 3500.
PLANT A TREE this Spring on your front lawn, to increase your property values, provide shade, visual beauty and to combat growing air pollution. Call the City of Albany 434 CITY or Cooperative Extension 765 3500.
CAMPAIGN 2008 will have many twists and turns in the long road to November. Anything can and will happen. There are no sure things any more since 9-11. If we are devestated with coordinated, multiple terrors attacks, the elections would be cancelled and martial law put into place. Change you can trust has come. Politics as usual can not prepare us for what we face. There are no sure things in politics or life.
To paraphrase the New Hampshire license plate: "live free or die"; our license plates should bear the inscription: "Be ready or die".

J P Sullivan
see also: http://journals.aol.com/lonerangeralbany/lonerangeralbany/