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Location: Albany, New York, United States

CONSERVATIVE ROW C FOR MAYOR CITY OF ALBANY NY November 5, 2013 Election U S Navy Veteran BS Geography, U Wisconsin (Korean GI Bill) MA Geography, U Minnesota (National Fellowship) 30 years as founder and president, Buckingham Pond/ Crestwood Neighborhood Assoc. maintaining/improving neighborhood residential integrity and quality of life. Leadership resulted in creation of Buckingham Pond Park in 1993-94, as well as many other open spaces. See for list of leadership results. Neighborhood website: see also:

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014


The Albany County Legislature
is said, by some, to be too big.

The real problem is not size
but impotence of that body.

Legislative leaders are now
touting a proposal to downsize
the county legislature from 39
to 25 seats- to save money.

Really, the move is about assuring
Democratic Party control of the
county legislature.

Fewer and larger districts will
assure that. 

Republican members will all but 

Larger districts will make it
harder for ordinary citizens to
get on the ballot and to be
competitive in elections. 

Special interest groups will
support and finance candidates
who dance to the tunes of those
interest groups.

Downsizing the county legislature
will do nothing to save money
or assure better representation
of the people of Albany County.

The real budget buster for city
town and county taxpayers is
the fact that Albany City/County
is an ever growing social services
mecca that requires ever increasing
property taxes to fuel the beast.

Albany needs more independent
qualified, effective county legislators
to properly represent the people
of the respective districts and county
as a whole.

This can be achieved by informed
voters, voting in large numbers in
the 2015 party primaries and general

In addition, minor political parties
will play a greater role in local
elections in the wake of the decline
of the Democratic and Republican
Party organizations in Albany County.

Conservatives have ballot line Row C
Greens have ballot line Row D
The Working Families Party Row E
and 2 new minor parties - The Womens
Equality Party and Stop Common Core
Party will appear on Rows F and G
in 2015.

Prospective candidates- start your
engines- now!

Voters - fill your political viagra

                                  Joe Sullivan


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